week 4: the ‘nesses
Definition of KINDNESS: Tender concern and awareness for others, reflected in a desire to treat others gently, just as the Lord treats all believers.
Definition of GOODNESS: Moral and spiritual excellence shown through active kindness.
Definition of FAITHFULNESS: Loyal, constant, and steadfast.
Definition of GENTLENESS: Having a humble and gentle attitude, submissive in every offense, with no desire for revenge.
Monday: Kindness is Impactful
Tuesday: Goodness is About God in us
Wednesday: Faithfulness is For a King
Thursday: Faithfulness is About Freedom
Friday: Gentleness is Strength
Reflect on what you learned this past week about the ‘NESSES. What are some tangible ways that you can implement what you have learned into your life?
Say a prayer to God thanking him for what he has done and share with him your desire and need for him to help you to grow in the ‘NESSES fruits.