week 2: Joy/Peace
Definition of JOY: A happiness based on God’s promises and His existence. Not generally the result of favorable circumstances, by definition just the opposite. Temporal circumstances are drowned out by eternal promises.
Definition of PEACE: The inner calm that results from confidence of our saving relationship with Christ, not contingent to our circumstances. The verb form of the word describes a “binding together,” implying unity.
Monday: Joy is a Person
Tuesday: Joy is About Worship
Wednesday: Peace is a Process
Thursday: Peace is to be Shared
Friday: Peace is Present
Reflect on what you learned this past week about JOY & PEACE. What are some tangible ways that you can implement what you have learned into your life?
Prayer: Say a prayer to God thanking him for what he has done and share with him your desire and need for him to help you to grow in the fruits of JOY & PEACE.