week 3: patience
Patience is Loving
”Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience.”
Colossians 3:12
Patience is a loving response from God to us. His ability to be slow to anger and abounding in love should give us the desire out of His love for us to give the same grace. So today, as you think about being patient out of a love for God and for His people, read over this prayer and meditate on why patience should be something you are desiring to foster in your heart.
Heavenly Father, thank you for your continued patience with me. You’re never hurried, annoyed, or irritated with me; you never roll your eyes, pat your foot, or furrow your brow. How great is your compassion and kindness.
Forgive me for not reflecting that same patience you have with me, towards those I encounter throughout my day. When people don’t talk fast enough, when traffic is slow for no reason, when my emails, calls, and texts aren’t returned as soon as I’d like. When I am waiting for test results, when I can’t seem to find a job, when my workout routine and eating plans aren’t delivering the results I want as quickly as I want them, when my food is taking too long, when guests arrive too early or stay too late, when ______.
As I look at my words, I don’t feel good about myself at all; but I do understand the good news of the Gospel, and am so grateful for it. I am grateful for the freedom the Gospel gives me to be forgiven and made whole because of Jesus. For my sins to be washed white as snow. Lord, I ask you for a clear and powerful work of your Spirit in my heart. Give me the persistence to work on being more patient each day. Help me to be more humble, gentle, kind, and longsuffering—for your glory and for my good. In Jesus’s merciful and mighty name. Amen!
Questions to Ponder:
In what area of your life are you struggling to demonstrate patience? Is there a particular person with whom you find it difficult to be patient?
What steps can you be taking today to practically be growing in patience?
Today’s Reading: