week 3: patience
Patience is Active
Rejoice in hope; be patient in tribulation; be constant in prayer.
Romans 12:12
My sister and I were avid softball players growing up. One thing I remember learning at a young age is to have a ready stance when up to bat, or out on the field. This ready stance meant instead of zoning out, or relaxing, you were eagerly anticipating what might happen next. If you were out on the field in a ready stance, that meant you had your mitt out, legs bent, you were ready for a ball to come your way, and you were thinking in your mind different scenarios and what you would do if say, someone hit a double and you needed to be the cut-off for outfield. It also meant even when you were sitting on the bench you were participating through encouragement towards your teammates, or simply paying attention. Taking an active role in the game, even when you weren’t doing anything was what made a good softball player and showed your dedication to the game.
When we talk about waiting on the Lord patiently, I think we are often not in a ready stance. As followers of Christ we are not called to take a passive role in our lives, but an active one. There are many times where we lack trust in God and therefore try to control situations and need to growing in patience, but that’s not the scenario I am referring to. What I am referring to is when we use waiting on the Lord as a means to zone out, to check our phones, to take an extended bathroom break. We do this usually out of fear, or laziness, or lack of motivation because it is too hard to stay in the game sometimes. This my friends, is not a marker for godly patience, but passivity. Hebrews 12:1 says we are to “throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.” As believers we are to fix our eyes on Jesus and run. This implies an active participating. Active participation through patience means instead of picking flowers waiting for God to show up, we are eagerly anticipating how to handle the next scenario. Instead of being surprised by what God throws at you, you are to fix your eyes on Jesus, and stand firm even when you are sitting on the sidelines. In any season of your life you should always have a ready stance. You should be actively pursuing the Word and sharpening your mind for what is to come. You are to be dedicated to Christ and take even the moments you are waiting on Him to be a moment where you are actively praying, reading, pursuing, and holding your mitt out, ready to go.
Questions to Ponder:
Do you feel like you are active or passive with your faith?
What would a ready stance look like in your own life?
Today’s Reading: