week 1: Love


Love is Freely Given

But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 5:8

        Imagine yourself walking along the street when someone approaches you asking if you would like to play a huge part in a new movie coming out. They go on and on about how perfect you are for the role, and to not worry about the fact that you have never acted before. You never even had to audition because they chose you, out of the blue. No amount of rehearsing for the part would have changed things. You are who they want and they beg you to take the part, right on the spot. Now, what if I told you that God did exactly that when he chose His beloved children. No amount of acting or trying to prove ourselves to Him will change anything. He has already chosen. If you believe you are a sinner in need of a Savior, and understand you have been forgiven because of Christ Jesus, and you see the Holy Spirit at work in your life, then He has chosen you, Daughter. God has picked you out of a crowd and said “this is the one.”

Knowing that we have been chosen, wouldn’t it be silly to then keep asking to audition? It may seem silly, but isn’t that exactly what we do with God? Instead of accepting the role and asking Him for help, we keep asking to audition because we just can’t believe God would pick us without even checking if we are fit for the role. No wonder we look around at other people comparing - we are insecure about our standing as Christians because we often feel like frauds. We try to win God’s favor when it was Christ who has already done that for us. It is not how well we fit the role, because we would never be good enough. God doesn’t love us by how well we can try to play the part, he loves us because Jesus gave us the opportunity to be scouted not based on what we can give, but based on the scout’s choosing. God has already chosen His children without anything we did to deserve it, and what we get to do is recognize what a huge gift that is to receive, and act with gratitude.

Do you know that you are fully loved even on your worst days? On the days you are ashamed of yourself, and feel like nobody could love you, God does. It is God’s love, in Christ, that does not change even if your shape changes over the years, or your face gets more wrinkles, or you lash out in anger. He will always choose you for the part of being His daughter if you acknowledge your sin and weakness and trust in His love and grace. 

Questions to Ponder: 

  1. Do you believe that God loves you? 

  2. Do you believe that you cannot earn God’s approval any more than you already have through Christ?

  3. This week how many times did you ask God if you could audition for Him? Why did you feel the need to audition, to prove yourself to Him?


Today’s Reading:

Romans 5


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