Holistic Biblical Counselor & Health Coach
Education & Certifications:
- Certified Holistic Biblical Counselor
- Certified Christian Mental Health Provider / Christian Youth Mental Health Provider
- Certified Health & Wellness Provider
- Young Adult support (for minors)
- Grief
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Identity Issues
- Purpose/Direction
- Homeschool/Stay at home Moms
- Mothers of prodigal children
- Loneliness/Hopelessness
- Childhood Abuse/Abandonment
- PCOS / Eating for PCOS
- Fertility Issues/ PMS
- Spouses of Porn Addicted/ Emotional Affair Husbands
Val always believed God was for everyone else. She knew he existed and believed in Him but didn’t believe she was good enough to be cared for by Him. There were factors in her childhood that led to this belief such as abandonment and emotional abuse. Through the power and grace of God she knows she has the love of our savior. She knows she was chased after by our God to bring home to his flock and share her testimony/healing experience with others and she feels humbled to do so.
Val holds a certification in Christian Mental Health through Light University and a Christian Youth Mental Health certification through Light University ( An extension of the American Association of Christian Counselors)
Val is also a certified Holistic Biblical Counselor. Val is very active in her local church hosting small groups and bringing people together. She leads mental heath/ counseling open share workshops for adolescent teen girls. Val has a tailored custom approach to counseling meeting everyone right ever they are on their level. Not everything is text book. She is both Biblically grounded and clinically informed. The most important thing she wants to convey to her counselee’s is there is always hope! Val has been married for 24 years and has 3 daughters. She’s Homeschool’s her girls and volunteers at the co-op this year as an on stand-by Biblical counselor for any of the adults that could use some one on one time and an on site youth mental health coach for the adolescents.
Val is on her own journey to wellness as she has Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome, PMS, Food sensitivity issues and Gut Heath issues. Val is non judgmental and sensitive to those who have these struggles. She has a message of hope to share with others and feels God is using her own long-sufferings to encourage others and to come along side them in theirs.
WBW does not accept insurance, however, we try to maintain a feasible amount for women to receive counsel. If payment is a deterrent for counseling, please reach out to as oftentimes we can partner with your local church to see if they can help support you for counseling.
What is Biblical Counseling?
Biblical counseling is care for a person in crisis or needing personalized support from a Biblical perspective.
Want to know more about Biblical Counseling, WBW’s statement of faith, and other FAQ questions? CLICK HERE.
For current clients, please use the scheduler found below.
FOR NEW CLIENTS: You can schedule a 15 minute free consult to have any questions answered or skip straight to scheduling a session if you desire.
If you have other questions, please email