How Do You Persevere in the Midst of Suffering?


Philippians 3:1-14

Further, my brothers and sisters, rejoice in the Lord! It is no trouble for me to write the same things to you again, and it is a safeguard for you. Watch out for those dogs, those evildoers, those mutilators of the flesh. For it is we who are the circumcision, we who serve God by his Spirit, who boast in Christ Jesus, and who put no confidence in the flesh—  though I myself have reasons for such confidence.

If someone else thinks they have reasons to put confidence in the flesh, I have more:  circumcised on the eighth day, of the people of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews; in regard to the law, a Pharisee; as for zeal, persecuting the church; as for righteousness based on the law, faultless.

But whatever were gains to me I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ—the righteousness that comes from God on the basis of faith. I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead.

Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.  



This text is such an important reminder of God’s grace in our weakness. Even in the first two lines we see Paul acknowledging how quick the Philippians (and all of us) are to forget, and how patient the Lord is in providing for us an abundance of ways to understand the truth of the gospel. It is a good thing he does this because this section of scripture is full of important concepts Paul is trying to address to Christians.

Here are 6 powerful statements Paul is making to the Philippians through the text.

  1. Be wary of legalism.

  2. Don’t underestimate God and overestimate your own abilities.

  3. Believe in the sufficiency of the cross and the new covenant.

  4. Our blamelessness is not enough to save us, but God’s grace in Christ alone is.

  5. It is through Jesus that we can be assured of our resurrection that is to come, and until we are, he has given us the Holy Spirit to resist temptation on earth.

  6. Press on in service to Christ until that final day.

So why are these statements significant for us to acknowledge as Christians living on earth?

Understanding these statements not only allows us to have freedom through Christ, it also gives us hope to move throughout life even when we might be experiencing more downs than ups. The beauty of Christ’s resurrection allows for us to no longer be bound by the law of the old testament. We no longer see the law as a way to work for our salvation, which is good news as we would all fall short. It is through Christ that we are given the freedom to be cleansed and strive for holiness not to make up for our sins, but to thank God for his grace to us because there is nothing we can add or need to add to our faith to make us acceptable to God. All we have to do is turn from sin and rest in Christ as our only hope in life and in death.

If we can actually believe that God is sufficient in our weakness, we can look to him in the midst of pain and where we fall short and continue on. We are shown that Jesus has already won the race for us when he conquered death to repay our sins. We are able to run the race with perseverance knowing Jesus has come before us and promises us victory in the end. As we are still running the race, there will be times where we catch a second wind and other times where we fall and get the wind knocked out of us and become discouraged- but we can have hope in knowing our perseverance will allow us to see the victory when we do finish the race He has marked out for us.   



Picture yourself actually running this race and envision Jesus at the end rooting you on. Set this as a daily picture engraved in your mind when you are struggling, or losing sight of the goal, and also as a way to be grateful for the support and love you have as you run the race. The more we can focus on Jesus, the less hopeless, frustrated, and anxious we will be.  

In prayer, ask the Lord to sustain your commitment to Him and strengthen you for the daily race  ahead.



As we run the race, we need sufficient fuel to continue the journey. Here is my favorite quick, healthy and easy Cauliflower Fried Rice recipe.

Chicken Pineapple Cauliflower Fried Rice  


1 tablespoon olive oil

2 garlic cloves, minced

¼ cup chopped onions

1 cup chopped carrots (I used baby carrots to save time)

1 cup chopped celery

5 broiled chicken thighs or 2 chicken breasts, chopped

2 cups chopped pineapple

I bag cauliflower fried rice (Trader Joes frozen riced cauliflower is best)

1½ tablespoon soy sauce (or alternative)

2 tbsp pineapple juice

Salt and pepper to taste

2 eggs (omit if desired)


  1. Heat up a frying pan or wok on medium high heat (about 5 minutes).

  2. Add olive oil, minced garlic and chopped onion, saute until fragrant (1 minute).

  3. Add chopped carrots, chicken, and pineapple, saute until the carrots are softened (5 minutes).

  4. Add the cauliflower rice, add more oil if needed to get a more fried consistency.

  5. Add soy sauce and pineapple juice to stir fry until everything is heated through (3 minutes).

  6. Crack 1 - 2 eggs in center of wok, stir egg, and then mix to incorporate after cooked. (1min)

  7. Adjust seasoning to taste and serve immediately.

*Tip: Cut the pineapple in half long ways, gut out pineapple inside and serve the food in the pineapple as the bowls.
(3-4 servings)  


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How do I Discipline my Mind?


On Fridays I am usually in a better mindset to think positively about the day ahead, but most days my mind struggles. I bombard myself with my inner thoughts that are misleading, sinful, negative, and unhelpful. 

Why am I such a failure? I wish I was more like __________. Why isn't God coming through for me on this one? I want people to agree with me because i'm right, so why argue against me? I am so hurt and angry right now so I should tear my spouse down because it is HIS fault I am feeling this way. 

When we listen to ourselves more than talk to ourselves our mind will always deceive us. We must guard our thoughts and put in truths from the bible instead of truths we conjure up.

So, how can we practically do this?

1. Study the word and grow in the understanding of God's truth so you can combat the lies. 
2. Surround yourself with people who will speak honestly with you and point you closer to Christ.
3. Be a part of a church community. 
4. Practice mindfulness in times when your mind is running on you. Pause. Be present, and stop those negative thoughts and pray against them.  
5. Get out and exercise if you are able to. Walk, run, swim, bike, you get the idea :)  
6. Listen to and watch things that will build you up, not tear you down. 
7. Add your helpful strategies to the list! The more the merrier!
8. Press on, and repeat. This is a daily battle and it will not be fixed after completing this list. Be prepared to do this over and over again! 

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What is Anxiety Like?


Did you have an imaginary friend growing up? I don't specifically remember having one, but I do remember Anxiety being with me since I was little.

My friend Anxiety was one of those friends that was ok in small doses but extremely frustrating if you hung out with him too much. Anxiety liked accompanying me on any days that involved something new, unfamiliar, or uncomfortable, like a first day of school or going to the dentist. Anxiety especially liked to be with me when I would have to give a speech in a class, or be in any setting with new people. As with any imaginary friend that kids have, everyone said I would grow out of having Anxiety show up, but that never happened. Anxiety followed me through high school, college and even to this day anxiety likes to be by my side for life's most stressful moments. Anxiety even makes some random appearances on days that are not frequent visitation times, like a normal day at work or while I am out with friends. Now that I am older I have tried more and more to hide my imaginary friend because an imaginary friend is ok if you are 5 but is embarrassing when you are 29. As much as I tried to hide Anxiety, he was a devoted friend who didn't back down from a fight. The more I would fight with Anxiety to go away, the more Anxiety got frustrated and it just made things worse. Many times I felt like I was the only one who had ever known Anxiety, but apparently Anxiety is quite the social butterfly. 

If you have dealt with Anxiety in any way, shape or form I am sure you can relate to my story. The greek word for anxiety is translated as “to go to pieces.” Fitting, considering when Anxiety presents himself I feel like I’m easily shattered into tiny glass pieces that don’t know how to go back together. Many times I wish I could be more like plexiglass; Strong, pliable, and when broken it at least breaks in large chunks instead of being shattered, leaving a jagged mess behind for others to clean up. However, Anxiety has shown me that allowing others to see my struggle and help pick up the pieces is not weakness but strength. Instead of ignoring Anxiety, I now listen to him and what he is trying to say. I have learned that instead of working so hard at getting rid of Anxiety, I should be adapting to how Anxiety affects me and learn better strategies for dealing with him. As I have become more aware of my triggers I am better able to manage Anxiety before it is too late and I become a shattered mess. There are layers to Anxiety and when I begin to see Anxiety popping up more and more I now use different coping strategies to try and keep Anxiety at a manageable level. I have come to realize that Anxiety might be a lifelong friend for me, but we have been working on setting better boundaries with each other when it comes to our friendship. 

Here are some holistic strategies I use for dealing with Anxiety: 

-Play my guitar and sing
-Take a bath with candles, epsom salt and calming music
-Talk openly about my anxiety with my husband or friends
-Practice mindfulness exercises
-Work on being present in my thoughts instead of catastrophic thinking/ruminating

-Go for a walk with a friend or by myself
-Avoid sugar and caffeine
-Go to Pilates
-Eat well balanced meals
-Bring snacks with me to avoid getting hangry and more irritable

-Read my bible/do a devo. 
-Talk to a mentor
-Listen to worship music

Aaaaaaand last but not least here are my top 3 favorite homeopathic remedies
for days when I need some extra help......  

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How Do You View Progress?


Do you view progress in a mirror or a scale? It is easy to shame ourselves by stepping on a scale or looking up close at all the ways we wish our bodies were better. What if we truly started believing that being healthy has less to do with how we look and more to do with how we feel? 

There have been many times I have gone on diets & worked out excessively to try to reach perfection and perfection never came. I think there is a time and a place for diets and exercising more than usual for training or loosing weight, but it should also come with a warning label saying DANGER: THIS MAY BE ADDICTIVE AND LEAD TO UNHEALTHY LIFE PATTERNS. 

The lowest point in my journey came when after going through a life threatening illness I finally saw my body as skinny as I had always wanted, except it wasn't at all how I pictured it. My thighs finally did that miraculous thing of not touching and I had to get all new pants because of how frail I was. It was disturbing that I had no muscle, and essentially looked like a skeleton. The very thing I had always wanted to attain I realized could only be attainable if I get so sick that I was skin and bones. 

Everyone was created uniquely, and our bodies will look different. I am all for being fit and healthy, but for the people like me who would have to spend hours at the gym every day and cut calories so much to get a chiseled body and still fall short there should be a point where we say enough is enough. If appearance is the goal, we will always fall short. There will always be something more we desire when we reach that goal and find its not good enough.    

What if we listened to our bodies more, worked with the bodies we have and not try so hard to change them. What if we viewed our bodies to be useful not just for training to look a certain way but train so we can use our bodies to help others, have more stamina for playing with your kids at the park and more mental clarity to work and study to the best of our abilities.  What if we gave our bodies the rests they need on days where we normally push them in order to see better results. 

Next time we look in the mirror to judge our health lets not forget to examine the other part of us that can't be judged by a mirror.  

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Walking for The Health of It



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My Happy Place


How do you start your weekend off right?

One of my favorite ways to spend a Saturday morning is walking around Mission Bay. If you get there early enough the water is still glassy and everything feels slower. As I walk the stretch along the interior of the bay I am refreshed, energized and at peace. With other workouts I enjoy like pilates, cross training, even surfing, there are times I find myself saying gosh that was such a workout. Walking however to me never reaches that point. I savor every step as I continue on, not knowing when I will choose to turn around. When I walk I get lost in the moment, lost in the beauty of God's creation. My soul finds renewal as I breathe in the different smells that pass me on my way and smile at the people who cross my path. It is my favorite journey. The journey that starts with a simple step into the unknown future without a need to figure out its path, as if being guided by the next moment of uncertainty is my path. There is beauty in being guided by your senses and trusting in where it will take you. I love the break it gives my soul. Walking causes me to reflect, pray, and be in community with others. It allows my fears to melt away as I am reminded of God's grace on my life as the clouds roll out and the sun comforts me and warms my body and soul.

-Jaime Jacinto  

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