How do I Discipline my Mind?


On Fridays I am usually in a better mindset to think positively about the day ahead, but most days my mind struggles. I bombard myself with my inner thoughts that are misleading, sinful, negative, and unhelpful. 

Why am I such a failure? I wish I was more like __________. Why isn't God coming through for me on this one? I want people to agree with me because i'm right, so why argue against me? I am so hurt and angry right now so I should tear my spouse down because it is HIS fault I am feeling this way. 

When we listen to ourselves more than talk to ourselves our mind will always deceive us. We must guard our thoughts and put in truths from the bible instead of truths we conjure up.

So, how can we practically do this?

1. Study the word and grow in the understanding of God's truth so you can combat the lies. 
2. Surround yourself with people who will speak honestly with you and point you closer to Christ.
3. Be a part of a church community. 
4. Practice mindfulness in times when your mind is running on you. Pause. Be present, and stop those negative thoughts and pray against them.  
5. Get out and exercise if you are able to. Walk, run, swim, bike, you get the idea :)  
6. Listen to and watch things that will build you up, not tear you down. 
7. Add your helpful strategies to the list! The more the merrier!
8. Press on, and repeat. This is a daily battle and it will not be fixed after completing this list. Be prepared to do this over and over again! 

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