
My Happy Place


How do you start your weekend off right?

One of my favorite ways to spend a Saturday morning is walking around Mission Bay. If you get there early enough the water is still glassy and everything feels slower. As I walk the stretch along the interior of the bay I am refreshed, energized and at peace. With other workouts I enjoy like pilates, cross training, even surfing, there are times I find myself saying gosh that was such a workout. Walking however to me never reaches that point. I savor every step as I continue on, not knowing when I will choose to turn around. When I walk I get lost in the moment, lost in the beauty of God's creation. My soul finds renewal as I breathe in the different smells that pass me on my way and smile at the people who cross my path. It is my favorite journey. The journey that starts with a simple step into the unknown future without a need to figure out its path, as if being guided by the next moment of uncertainty is my path. There is beauty in being guided by your senses and trusting in where it will take you. I love the break it gives my soul. Walking causes me to reflect, pray, and be in community with others. It allows my fears to melt away as I am reminded of God's grace on my life as the clouds roll out and the sun comforts me and warms my body and soul.

-Jaime Jacinto  

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