How do you Fight Your Fears With Faith?


“For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity but of power, love, and a sound mind. “

(2 Timothy 1:7)


Fear of failure, fear of judgment, fear of the future. What we anticipate happening can overwhelm our minds. According to Webster’s dictionary the definition of fear is, “an unpleasant often strong emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger” Ultimately, fear is just an emotion. This emotion focuses on what we think might happen. I want to add to this definition. The Bible reminds us in 2 Timothy 1:7 “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity but of power, love, and a sound mind.” So if this is true as we have Christ’s Spirit living inside us, fear is also a lie from the enemy. 


Satan whispers lies to us and twists the truth. We focus our minds on what might happen and forget that we have a weapon to fight back. That weapon is concealed unless we wield its power. That power is our faith. Our faith is the confidence we have through Jesus Christ. It’s not just a matter of mustering up the nerve and saying “don’t be afraid,'' it's the reality of we are strong enough when life hits! Our confidence is in His Word and in Christ. This is the living power of the Bible.  Faith isn’t just head knowledge, but it is the action of the heart as well. We want to be a faith walker and not just a faith talker. We are known by our actions and not just our words Faith is a gift from God. It is not just based on our works and acts of love. It is given to us as a blessing! 

“By grace, you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God.” (Ephesians 2:8)


These are six action steps that I have developed to walk in faith while fighting back against my fears. I have to live and breath these steps when facing doubt and uncertainty or when I sense the enemy trying to steal my joy and confidence. 

1. Put on Armor 

In Ephesians 6 we are reminded to, “put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes.” We need to be dressed and ready for battle. We need to not just have our confidence in the helmet of salvation, but also in the belt of truth. We want to walk around “fully dressed” and ready to fight back against any lies and schemes we may begin to believe. 

2. Renew your Mind 

“Let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes.” (Ephesians 4:23)

The Bible promises us that the Spirit will renew (change) our thoughts and attitudes. Stop. Really contemplate that for a second. Your mind can be re-wired. That right there is amazing and life-giving! Dr. Caroline Leaf, a neuroscientist who has done extensive work with head trauma patients describes neuroplasticity, and how the brain can change. It can be renewed with positive thoughts, memorizing scripture and studying the Word. She describes the process as little stems like small trees growing in our brains and coming to life that doctors can see in scans. On the flip side, negative thoughts and toxic emotions can cause parts of our brains to die. 

If we want to have our thoughts, attitudes, and minds transformed than it does take effort on our part. We need to spend quiet time with the Lord and memorize scripture to “guard our minds”. 

3. Bow in Prayer 

Prayer is one of, if not the main, disciplines of our Christian walk. This is the straight communication and intercession through Jesus to God the Father. In her book, Praying God’s Word, Beth Moore associates scripture and prayer as putting together two sticks of dynamite. One stick alone is pretty powerful, but the two sticks together, when we pray God’s words back to him from the Bible it is a force to be reckoned with! I urge you to try this for yourself. I have been astounded by the impact of praying God’s word, starting in the Psalms with a verse or two. David was so raw and vulnerable in these passages it is impactful and so meaningful to fight the battle of fear and anxiety. 

4. Stand and Share 

If we can share our burdens and fears with one another they can have less power over us. We are all built for community. By sharing and speaking out about where you are struggling or losing the fear battle it allows others to share their vulnerability as well. It takes courage but it also opens doors to allow God to restore and renew you through his followers. They can share your struggle, but also rejoice in your victories! Paul challenged us in Galatians, “Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ” (Gal. 6:2 NLT). Don’t buy into the lie of the enemy that others will judge or not want to help you and encourage. Some may judge, but that is probably based on their own insecurities and fears. So many others will want to lift you up in prayer and even have a word of scripture to share with you. 

5. Praise and Worship 

“Worship and worry cannot live in the same heart: they are mutually exclusive.” 

-Ruth Bell Graham 

So if worry and fears are the focus in our heart which springs to the mind continuously, it will push faith out! On the flip side, the exciting news is that if worship and praise are what is filling our heart and mind there is no room for worry to take root and lay hold of us. I love the story in 2 Chronicles 20 which tells of when the Israelite army was surrounded on all sides, their commander Jehosaphat sought God in prayer and God answered with a peculiar battle plan. He told them to put the choir (the worshippers) in front of the warriors. They headed into battle singing praises to God and it so confused all of the opposing armies they began to fight one another! In her book, Strong, Braved, Loved, Holley Gerth references this passage and says, “Praise is the sling and stones. The secret weapon. Stronger than our solutions. Mightier than our education and experience. More effective than a thousand be a worshipper is to be a warrior.” I want to be a warrior! I will fight my battles and fear with a song in my heart and praise on my lips. 

6. Laugh out Loud 

“She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the 

future.” (Proverbs 31:25) 

For our final action step, I included this verse that I would dare to dream could be my life verse. I hope by the end of my life my children could etch this scripture into my tombstone as the epitome and culmination of my life. Oh, the irony it would be and glory to God that the woman who suffered through anxiety and panic attacks, laughed at the end of her life without any fear of the future! Life is tough and we are told we will face trials of many kinds. Sometimes to lighten up the situation we just need a good belly laugh. It is therapeutic to look a friend in the eye and laugh until we cry. God has blessed us with so much in the hope of our eternity that sometimes to release the pressure valve on our circumstances we need to have a good laugh and let His delight in us wash over us and take hold of any fear we may be facing. 

I hope one or all of these action steps can help you fight your battle with fears! I hope you can find JOY where there was once FEAR and LAUGHTER where there may be WORRY. REMEMBER who walks with you and sees your fears. He doesn’t condemn your fear and worry but wants to carry it for you!

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