
Is Waiting a Gift or a Curse?

Psalm 130:5 “I wait for the LORD, my whole being waits, and in his word I put my hope”



I hate to wait. Wait in line. Wait for mail. Wait for a text back. As a society we are so accustomed to the “instant” whatever of what we want or perceive we need. Hello, instant pots! The slow cooker’s fast and simple cousin. However, as I have sat in several seasons of wait in my life I have realized two things. 


  1. The season of wait is precious to the LORD and it can be a gift he gives us. I remember what seemed like long days of infertility as month after month the pregnancy tests came back negative for 3 years. Over 36 times feeling rejection from a simple little stick. The doctors didn’t have answers. The holistic professionals said relax. And as we hoped to one day be parents it seemed everyone around us was popping out kids and getting pregnant so quickly. Not easy for the girl who doesn’t like to wait! I had a sweet friend and mentor who calmly told me one day, “Just wait. Trust his timing.” While God’s timing has rarely ever been mine, His has always been the best timing. For all of the parents out there, you know having kids is not easy. While it was worth the wait, it is hard. God was teaching me things about him and myself before I had kids I could only learn and discover in the wait.


  1. A place of wait can also be a gift to God. We often hear about worship and honoring God, but what about waiting on him? Patiently every day with our quiet trust telling ourselves and Him, “I trust you. I trust your plan. Your ways are not my ways and your plans are not my plans. Yet, I will trust your timing, not mine.” I love this verse in Psalm 130 that says “my whole being waits.” My mind finds rest because he is in control of the situation. My body finds comfort because he formed me in my mother’s womb. My spirit knows he had plans for me before the formation of the world. 



Waiting for most will never be easy this side of heaven. Focusing on His word, worshiping and praying will bring comfort and “a peace that surpasses all understanding,” as Paul reminds us in Philippians. It is not an easy road, but worth it. Since hoping 8 years ago for a baby have I grown better and more patient in waiting? My husband would probably answer no! The waiting hasn’t gotten any easier, but it does get sweeter. Things don’t always work out like I hoped, but His nearness and what I can learn and where I have grown after a season of wait has me trusting Him even more. 



  • Has there been a waiting period that felt especially hard or long for you? Is there a verse or scripture passage or even a worship song that brought you comfort during that time? Share it with a friend or someone else in a similar situation. Having a community during a waiting period is so precious and helpful. 


  • Can you recall a friend or even a person in the Bible you can point to that “waited well”? What did they do that stands out to you? How did they cope?

  • If you are currently in a season of wait, hang in there! Pray a simple prayer “gifting” your wait to God. Tell Him you are grateful for this time and for Him to show you what you can learn or need to see while you wait. Ask him to draw near to you and He promises us He will! (James 4:8)



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