Where do I Start in Dealing With Stress?

“A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” Proverbs 17:22


Do you have chronic inflammation in your body, or constant restlessness in your soul? Most of us have some sort of inflammation or stress in our bodies and minds. As God created us as whole beings with bodies and souls it is important for us to look at every area of our lives that can be contributing to bettering or worsening our health in regards to stress! Understanding our stress allows us to be more authentic in our relationship with the Lord, others and ourselves.


Below are the areas you can examine when desiring to work through stress in your life from a holistic perspective. We recommend you take an afternoon and journal a paragraph in each area how you feel you are doing in each category, and 1 thing you would like to work on.

Spiritual Health
Emotional Health
Physical Health
Digestive Health
Social Health


We have a few ways we are able to help you figure out how to tackle all the areas listed above!

1. Biblical Counseling- our counseling uses a whole health approach that helps women honor God with their bodies and souls.
2. Stress Mapping Intensive: Our stress mapping intensive gets to the root of your stress and helps organize all of your stressors in a way where you can concretely start to make steps away from stress and into peace.
3. Nourished: A 5 week (online) study for women on food, fitness, and identity as it relates to the fruits of the spirit.

For those of you who are desiring to help other women in a more holistic way, consider doing our Holistic Biblical Counseling Certification or Christian Health Mentor Certification- for women leaders desiring to grow and teach other women about Christ-centered health and wholeness.

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