Are Finances a Family Affair?

For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
1 Timothy 6:10


To my single and married ladies, let’s have some real talk about money. It wasn’t until I was married that I realized the importance of having a budget. And before being married, even though I never spent beyond my means, I was not living in light of my future hopes of saving for a home, to adopt children, or to give to others with my excess. In my single years, my extra money was for me to enjoy how I wanted. I was single and loved not having anyone look over my finances other than myself. To my single friends perhaps you are there, and to my married friends perhaps you wish you were there. I know I do sometimes. But that view of looking at money is wrong. Money is always a family affair. Whether that family be your future family or your present family.

A budget is restrictive, but purposeful. I have grown so much in terms of being conscious with my mindset now that someone else also sees my spending and we together have goals for where we are trying to go. However, I am learning now as a wife all that I could have been doing as a single woman to be more intentional with my future goals. I now see that where my money went was sadly where the posture of my heart was at the time. My heart was selfish. Even in the times when I had very little money, it was not the amount of money that mattered, but the posture of my heart- A heart unto God that I was and still am called to devote to him. I used money to satisfy the void of being single, instead of using my money to prepare for what God was setting before me. Instead of using my money to glorify God and prepare for my future I used it for myself, and still struggle with that temptation. So how can we as women be more intentional with our money no matter what stage of life we are in? 


    Growing up when my sister and I would fight over clothes my mom would always say “girls, whose clothes are those?”  And she would always tell us “you do not own your clothes, your clothes belong to God so be kind and generous and let your sister borrow your clothes.” You can imagine how well that went over in our teen years. But isn’t that still true today? Only as adults it just isn’t about sharing clothes anymore. Don’t we forget so easily that our money is not our own, it is God’s. God created us, gave us our giftings that enable us to make money, and God allows us to have the money we do because he governs all. So what are you doing with His money? 

    This is key! We all need to have a plan for what we are to use our money for in order to pay bills and not rack up debt unnecessarily. Then if God gives you excess we also need have a plan for the excess. God has a plan for our lives, and so by his example we also need to have a plan because without one we live unintentional days. It is not that we have to always stick to our plan because the Lord directs our steps, but we are to have purpose to our direction and our spending is not excluded. What plan do you have for the money God allowed you to earn? Are you stewarding that money well? 

    Money is the root of evil. It is no wonder so much of ur sin comes out in the way we spend. If we are bored, we spend. If we are unsatisfied, we spend. If we are insecure, we spend. If we are happy, we spend. Don’t get me wrong, we all have to pay for things, but recognize what you are paying for and why. Are you trying to fill a void? Are you uncontrolled? Christ is the only one who brings us ultimate fulfillment and he is the only one who can control our desire to sin. Pray to him that he would fill you and help you. 


So what now? What can you do today to glorify God with your money? Pray over your finances. Or first you may need to pray over the posture of your heart. Do you desire to glorify God with your finances? Do you desire to be intentional with your day? Check in with yourself and ask God to reveal Himself to you and where your heart is in all of this!

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