What does it Mean to Live Life for the Glory of God?

So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.

1 Corinthians 10:31


If we are to do all things, even the seemingly insignificant things of eating and drinking for the glory of God what does that mean for our pursuit of a healthy lifestyle? It’s obvious that society emphasizes that we should be healthy and strong. It is also clear that God commands that our bodies be cared for well because they are His temple (1 Cor. 16:19). Though we see similarities in both societal and biblical directives for the care of our body, the motives behind them are world’s apart. Behind the voices of society, there are hearts, a group of people with motives that tells us why we should be desiring this kind of lifestyle. Our why behind everything that we do determines if we will bring God glory while doing it. Confronting our why is the beginning of understanding if we are worshipping God or ourselves.

In Jeremiah 17:9 the Lord calls our heart “desperately wicked”. One can assume then, that it is wise to examine the motives behind goals we make. Is the goal to workout or change our diet ultimately to look a certain way, to gain attention, to be attractive, to find our inner confidence? We may hear from time to time the health benefits of a strong body but what we will most likely see advertised in this world is the physical physique we can have by working out and sticking to a diet. Since we are flawed humans it is easy for our why to be for our own personal glory. Most of us are easily enticed by the vanity of “getting fit.” When the most common thoughts we have are how we want our body to look, it reveals that we want the glory of looking good more than the health of our body. The last thing we tend to think about is actually the most important part of us in need of health, our soul.

To workout for the glory of God means our heart or soul is in a posture of worship towards God. It is not worshiping the workout, the diet or how we look. Though we may be pleased with how we look, feel and what we accomplish, this has to be secondary to the joy we have through using what we’ve gained to serve God. A heart worshipping God may workout and recognize that this workout is possible because of what God has provided- it turns to thank and praise God. It uses self-discipline to meet goals and finds the strength to be disciplined by relying on God through prayer and faith. The strength gained through working out is a tool to further Gods kingdom. Working out allows us to experience more energy, and with that energy we can use it to read God’s word, be a healthy mom, wife, daughter, and most importantly a good steward of His temple. Being healthy and strong is a privilege and blessing that we can pursue as a means to make God look great. When this is our aim, our goals will reach beyond strong muscles, good blood pressure, feeling good and result in the health of a God glorifying soul. This kind of healthy pursuit is one that will count for eternity.


To pursue working out, feeling good and looking good more than the pursuit of God reveals who we are really worshiping- ourselves or others. To glorify God while we do anything means putting that anything second and the glory of God first.

If you were to number God and working out in order what do you think you prioritize more?

Do you believe God is more important than your workouts?


Plan your week effectively with intention to make God look great. Using the same commitment and self discipline you have for working out or eating well, use it also to read your bible at a set time for the majority of the week. If working out takes up most of your days and leaves time with God second, pray diligently. Each night before bed write a prayer in a journal. Pray over your heart, ask God to make you a good steward of your days that you may place him first before all things.

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