Is it Sinful to be Fit?

For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.

1 Timothy 4:8


To be or not to be exercising is a question that comes up in my mind everyday. There is a long legacy of athletes in my family. My mother’s father was a football coach growing up and my grandmother taught swim lessons while also enjoying watching and playing many sports herself. Both my Mom and Dad grew up as athletes playing sports throughout their lives. My Dads love for sports continued into college where he played football for Tulsa University, and my mother also attended Tulsa and was a cheerleader. Now at age 85 they both are still very active! Being raised in a family of four girls my parents were good at keeping us busy growing up. Funny story - my Dad at bed time would have us do push ups and sit ups before jumping into bed. Looking back on my childhood I remember early morning swim team practices where many times I just wanted to sleep in, and also going skiing in snow blizzards while wondering why are we skiing in this? But through it all, it instilled in me an exercise discipline that I still have today, and gratefulness for the opportunities we were given to experience many types of sport activities.

I find this topic of exercise interesting to ponder on because we can see all around us how some people focus too much attention on their physical bodies and neglect their spiritual growth and godliness, while others focus too much on spirituality and neglect the physical temple that God has given them. I believe we can all agree that both these practices are not pleasing to God and out of balance. You know the saying... what would Jesus do? I began to think about that and wondered how Jesus exercised. Well...I think it was walking!


The bible does clearly show us that we are both physical and spiritual beings and we are to take good care of our bodies (1 Corinthians 6:19-20) but also warns against vanity (1 Samuel 16:7; Proverbs 31:30; 1 Peter 3:3-4). We see above in 1 Timothy 4:8  that God does tell us that exercise is valuable, while also saying that godliness has value for all things! We all know what exercise is but what is godliness? shares “Godliness is a personal attitude toward God that results in actions that are pleasing to him. This personal attitude toward God is what we call devotion to God. The practice of godliness is an exercise or discipline that focuses upon God. God centered actions as well as attitude, living no longer to our own will and lust. In 2 Peter 1:5-8 we see a cascade of helpful supplements to practice along with our faith - virtue, knowledge, self-control, steadfastness, godliness, brotherly affection & love. For me self-control and steadfastness really jumps out.” When it comes to your physical and spiritual life what actions can you practice better that would be pleasing to God and give him glory?”


If you find your balance tethering more on the spiritual side try what I call the Walkie Talkie exercise. Enjoy a walk and talk with a friend or with my best friend Jesus! If you find your balance tethering more on the exercise side try taking a time out with pulling up a chair and pouring yourself a tall glass of living water by  reading the bible! In either case practice listening to the still quiet Holy Spirit inside you that wants to guide you down a more joy-filled healthy path.

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