What Makes up our Inner and Outer Self?


For I joyfully concur with the law of God in the inner man, but I see a different law in the members of my body. 

Romans 7:22-23


Don't you hate it when you bite your lip and then it happens over and over again? It is the worst! Yesterday I had that dreadful experience at least three times. I continued to cause my own pain because my immediate desire to devour my food took over any caution I had for what was going on in my mouth. I always get so mad with those types of pain encounters because I essentially inflict the pain on myself. When I am not being intentional in my mind with what is going on in my body I allow my flesh to overrun my soul. 

This happens often though doesn't it? Not just with biting our lips but with our mind not informing our actions. This phenomenon of how God created us is what the bible talks about as the inner- self and the outer-self. The outer self is what makes up our physical body and the inner self is made up of our soul. Our bodies love taking over to indulge in whatever they want when we aren't being conscious about what is best for us. The danger in that though is our bodies are at war with our spirit, so our mind always needs to be on guard with what our body is up to because as Christians this can lead us to sin. It is as if our bodies are toddlers, always getting into mischief, and our minds are the parents trying to correct the behavior. I don't know about you, but knowing my depravity it is exhausting having to constantly look after my toddler self to make sure I am not up to more mischief, and frankly I check out often. I go on a coffee break and let whatever havoc takes place happen to me and I choose to deal with the mess later. I simply allow my body to take over.

But God calls us to more.

He calls us to be constantly at war with our bodies, and he gives us the help we need to overcome our flesh. It is through the work of the Holy Spirit that our soul can have the strength each day to stay focused on glorifying him in our thoughts and actions because in our soul he graciously gives us himself. Each day we get to commune with God and be filled up to have the strength to not just check out in life when it gets hard. The Spirit at work in us can make our days that started with pain, end with promise. The promise that each moment God gives us on earth is a gift to be stewarded with intention and hope through Christ. 





As you go about your day at work or wherever you are, notice the times where you are wanting to check out, then ask yourself...

1. What causes my body to rule my mind? Is it laziness, exhaustion, carelessness? 

3. What can I do today to be more filled with the Spirit and go to battle with my flesh? 

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