Who Do You Say That I Am?

“He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” Simon Peter replied, “you are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” and Jesus answered him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven.

Matthew 16:15-18


Hey Ladies!

Anna here, and good golly, am I excited about something. Preparing to write this post led me into my bible and listening through so many podcasts. I am stirred up! Before I get into it, I want to ask you a couple questions. Who are you? Like broad spectrum, who are you? What are some things that make you who you are? What defines you? What gives you a semblance of identity? Or to put it another way, what or who, is your identity in? For example, are you the nerdy one, the athletic one, the artsy one, the stylish one? Is your identity wrapped up in that thing? If for some reason it was taken away from you, would you still have direction in life?

A couple years ago I bought a 1999 Land Rover Discovery II. It was big and blue, and looked like you could take it out on a safari, amongst the wild creatures, and explore to your hearts content. It was the first car I owned that could really take me up into the mountains and I didn’t have to worry about getting stuck. It was powerful and rugged. This car made me feel free, like the wilderness was mine to explore and no one could stop me. I recently had to sell this big, blue beauty, because it was just old, and it was becoming less likely that I would make it back home from any exploration. I am almost embarrassed to say selling that car nearly broke me. After all, it was just a car. However, this is when I realized how much of my identity was wrapped up in having some type of adventure mobile. Even worse how much of my identity was wrapped up in that specific car. I had to go back to the true source of our identity and ask Jesus, “who do you say that I am?” I felt like He responded first with “well, who do you say I AM?” Woah! So, my bigger question became Who. IS. Jesus. What do I actually believe about Him? Is my thought pattern correct?

This began a process of really renewing my mind, and making sure I was believing rightly about God. I started this by listening to pastors who taught the Word of God, then I really began reading the Bible (it is important to find out for yourself what the Word says). It turns out the more I have dug into reading my Bible and the more time I spend listening to teachers of the Word, the more my original question, “who do you say that I am” has been answered. This is because the more we know about who Jesus is, the more we will find out what He says about us, and why He made us the beautiful way He did.

Who does Jesus say YOU are?


1. YOU ARE CREATED IN GOD’S IMAGE - There is nothing wrong with being sporty, or girly, or smart, or creative, or talented in any area. Also know, it is very okay to be more than one thing. God made you with a mind, heart and soul, and you are capable of being a great many things through Him. I am totally the sporty one amongst friends, but I so love getting dressed up for a dinner now and again, and I really love challenging my mind and learning new things.

2. YOU ARE LOVED BY GOD - At the center of who God is, love abides. It spreads forth from there. Romans 8:38-39 says, “For I am sure (some translations say “convinced”- like the whole world couldn’t change your mind) neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor ANYTHING (emphasis added) else in all of creation will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. At the beginning and the end of every day, you are still loved by God. Not because of anything more than Jesus’ gift to us on the cross and the very nature of God.

3. YOU ARE MADE WHOLE THROUGH CHRIST - God is the master of renewing and repurposing our identity. Do not be afraid or ashamed to come to Him, and ask what He thinks of you. Know that when God looks at you, He sees the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross for you. Jesus’ death and resurrection have made you new and now you get to walk out becoming whole, with Him by your side.

4. YOU HAVE THE HOLY SPIRIT IN YOU - The Holy Spirit is a wonderful teacher. He will teach you and help you in the process of learning, just like He did for Peter in our first verse.


1. It’s a bold prayer, but ask Jesus to fill you with a hunger to find out more about Him.

2. Write down three things you believe about God and ask Him to show you what the truth is about

each thing.

3. Write down three things you believe about yourself, and same, same, ask God to tell you what He thinks about you in these areas.

Here are a couple awesome resources I have loved in my journey to find my identity in Christ.

1. “Captivating” by Jon and Stasi Eldridge
2. “The Power of Right Believing” by Pastor Joseph Prince

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