CHM Do’s & Dont’s
Our goal is to help you be successful as you work to help other women learn more about Christ-centered health and wellness. Here are a few tips and FAQs that might help as you begin to reach out to women in your community to share more info about Women Becoming Whole’s programs.
Can I provide nutritional information or fitness information?
Christian Health Mentors aren’t nutritionists and should only provide directional information to clients. Your own experience can be very helpful in sharing with your clients, but it should never be shared in a way that is directive and in a way a nutritionist or licenced professional would share.
Can I provide personal training services?
If you’re a certified personal trainer you can absolutely do this! However the CHM program does not certify you as a personal trainer. Any information provided to clients is on an advisory purpose only.
How should I respond to health related questions that my clients ask?
You should encourage your clients to speak with a medical professional for any health concerns. This would be out of the scope of a Christian Health Mentor.
Do I have to market myself as a Christian Health Mentor?
If the Lord leads you to do this, feel free! While not mandatory, we think this will only add to your credibility in guiding women towards Gospel-centered wellness.
Who You Are:
-You are a mentor.
What You Should Say:
-I recommend that you…
-I am not a licensed professional but something
I have personally found to be helpful is….
-Can I pray for you….
-I would recommend you talk to your doctor before starting…
-I think it might be helpful if….
-I am happy to help find you a resource who can help you with…
*Stick to I recommend or it might be statements
Your Scope of Care:
-Stick to what you have been trained on, and outside of that
only help in areas you feel comfortable helping in.
Who You Are NOT:
-You are not a licensed professional counselor, nutritionist, or doctor.
What You Should Not Say:
-You should do this….
-You should eat this…..
-I want you to…..
-I am going to pray for you now…
-You definitely need to start this program now, even if your dr. said otherwise….
-You need to…..
*Avoid you should or need to statements.
Not Your Scope of Care:
-Helping a mentee in an area you have no training in and feel uncomfortable doing.