-Mentor Guide-
The Nourished Program is designed to be completed with individuals or a group of women for 5 weeks. It is up to you the amount of women you would like in your program and how much you charge them individually (if you do). For those who are thinking of charging women to go through this training it is important to figure out what your hourly wage is that you feel works for you and then charge them accordingly based on the amount of hours you will be spending with them. I would recommend taking no more than 20 women at a time (5-15 women is ideal or 1/1 format).
We want you to adapt this program to fit your goals for those you will be supporting. This means you may decide to meet with one client for an hour each week for the 5 weeks or meet as a group for 2 hours each week. Really the support time is up to you, however we want to make sure you are focusing on setting aside time for your initial session to learn what their goals are, help them learn what God-honoring goal-setting looks like, and then help them set up their goals for the week and schedule. Then each week thereafter, you will meet to discuss what they learned the previous week, do any training/teaching/counseling you desire with them, and help them set new or establish the same goals as the week before.
Program Checklist: Print out the NOURISHED-CHM CHECKLIST to have handy as you take women through each week of the program.
Mentor Outline: Print out the NOURISHED MENTOR OUTLINE to help you with talking to women about how to set Christ-centered goals.
Nourished Video: Watch our STEP BY STEP NOURISHED VIDEO to familiarize yourself with the program.
The Nourished Program: You have 2 options for accessing the Nourished Program for your clients so you can choose what is best for you/your clients.
Watch the below NOURISHED SCENARIO VIDEO that coincides with the mentor outline on page 2.
5. Tips for Marketing: Here are some basic ideas for wording when you post about the program. You can market the program for individuals or groups and how you market is up to you, however any marketing materials that are through us should always have our Logo or be linked if using social media.
Example 1: I am looking for ____ (ex. 10) women who are interested in getting healthier physically & spiritually! Join me for…. NOURISH: A 5 week food, fitness & fruits of the spirit program! Starting on __________ I will be leading a team of women as your Christian Health Mentor through the program created by @womenbecomingwhole. Check out this awesome program at or message me if you are interested!
Example 2: Hi Friends! I have 10 spots available to take you through an amazing 5 week program on food, fitness & the fruits of the spirit! The Nourished Program from @womenbecomingwhole helps you not only set better goals physically but spiritually as well, and I will be with you each week helping you work through those goals as your Certified Christian Health Mentor. Here is what is included in the program:
- Member access to our online program
- Enriching daily devotions and prompts
- Online categorized recipe resources
- Online categorized workout resources
- Weekly Meal & Exercise Planner PDF
- 30 minute personalized health planning session with your CHM
- 15 minute check in & prayer session with your CHM each week
Repeat! You are welcome to continue to take women through our Nourished program for as long as you would like, and as creatively as you would like. (Ex. if you have a church group that would like to do this together, you can mentor a group of women in-person weekly instead of over the phone).