Where is Jesus in The Midst of our Now?

Because Jesus lives forever, he has a permanent priesthood. Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them.

Hebrews 7:24-25


Hello Beauties!

I am so excited to be back with you again. I love having the opportunity to feel as though, for a moment, I can sit with you and relate our stories to one another. This last couple months I had a lot of big changes in my life that have required me to step up and show up in ways I haven’t felt equipped to do. Many moments I felt so bogged down by the weight of it all and burnout knocked on my door like a girl scout during a diet. I wanted to throw in the towel and give up. However, I had, and still have this nagging feeling in my heart like in this season it is essential I keep showing up. I do my best to do this every day. Yet, in the midst of it, sometimes it is hard to pause and take a look around at where God is in the season and what He is actually doing. I so often take on too much. I add too many things to the ever-present list. I put a lot of pressure on myself to do things perfectly, especially the things I have never done before. Before I know it, I am exhausted and left wondering where the purpose is in anything I am doing.

Have you ever felt like that, in a season of transition? Maybe you just moved or started a new job. Maybe you recently graduated and are now navigating the world around you and processing how the day to day looks very different than it did in school. Perhaps you just became a mom and are transitioning into this new and completely life altering stage. Or maybe those little ones, are now out on their own, and after spending so long raising and protecting them, you feel whole new sense of “what do I want to be when I grow up?”

I want you to know that Jesus is with you in every single stage. The Bible talks about how Jesus literally is our advocate and is continually praying for us (Hebrews 7:24-25). How amazing is that!? That our Jesus who sacrificed Himself for us now sits at the right hand of God, and knowing all that we think and feel and go through day to day, advocates and prays prayers specific to us! That right there takes a burden off my shoulders!


I just want to take a moment and honor your story. Where you are in the timeline of your life. Where you have been. Where you feel called to go. Or maybe this season is confusing because for the first time there isn’t a big to do list and call to anywhere in specific. Rest in the fact that Jesus is your ever-present help (Psalm 46:1). He not only leads, but He comes to comfort. Rest in the fact that because of what Jesus did on the cross, we are free to come before the throne of God, to make our requests known to Him, to be vulnerable with Him.

In my current season, I am learning a whole bunch of new things. I feel stretched, spread thin, and like those growing pains you used to get as a kid in your legs (anyone with me) are now happening in my spirit. During my time with the Lord I have been picturing going before the throne of God, and literally curling up in the lap of the Father, or sitting at His feet resting my head on His knee while He strokes my hair, and reminds me of my identity in Him. I am His daughter, adopted, and co-heir with Christ. These times, even if it is a 30-second deep breath at work, fixing my eyes on God is keeping me going.


I encourage you to start asking Jesus to show you where He is in the midst of your now. Take it a step further and think back on times and seasons of your life that have been very challenging or in some way have robbed you of your joy, and ask Jesus to show you where He was in those seasons too. Maybe He shows you a picture, or it becomes one of those Jesus moments where you just understand where He is (was).

It is okay to be vulnerable with God. An amazing encouragement is reading through the Psalms. David was SO good at vulnerably laying out his drama before the Lord. Once in that place where David felt free to express his worry, frustration, or fear to God, he was able to move into a place of praise and encouragement reminding himself of who God is, and where God was in his season.

Here are some passages that I have found really encouraging through my seasons. May these give you a starting place.

Psalms 88 and 89 read together. David literally goes from despair to praising the Lord and it is beautiful and so relatable.

Psalm 56: 3-4, Psalm 34:4-5, Psalm 46:1-3, Psalm 126

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