Where Does Ultimate Peace Come From?



Philippians 4:11-13

“I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me.”



             It happens every now again, that anxious moment where I don’t know its happening until it's happened. The one where I am around someone or a group of friends and I say something or do something that haunts me days after. I act in a way that brings feelings of shame, in a way that I did not intend, or simply in an awkward way. I try to connect to others but maybe I am trying too hard.

            Anxious moments can happen as a result of feeling alone or experiencing rejection. I’ve learned that these moments don't happen spontaneously, there is always a reason, if not physical, it is most likely a moment of believing something that exasperates my insecurity. Most of the time I am believing a lie. When I take time to search my heart, God reveals what I am believing and what I am not. Taking my thoughts to the light of scripture I see myself for who I am. How satisfied in God I really am will be evident by the kind of response I have while feeling insecure. Do I attempt to fit the mold I think others will approve of or do I go to the word and be reminded of what actually matters? Our responses are the fruit we bear, the Lord says we will be known by our fruit (Luke 6). Our fruit also makes us known to ourselves.

               In order to uproot insecurity that robs my days of freedom, I must be aware of its home; my heart. Social anxiety is the fruit of a fear that lives within my heart. Most likely, fear of losing something; a friendship, reputation, positive self-image or approval etc. When my heart lacks knowing the kind of peace I have with God and what that means for me, I will hold on tight to my desires and “breakdown” when they are not met. In the end social anxiety has to do with my lack of contentment in the Lord first and foremost. These moments of anxiety in a group or with one other person, are resolved by not making sure I don’t do that something again but by experiencing contentment while being imperfect. Contentment in the Lord is the secure knowing that he is enough and is all satisfying, so everything he has and has not provided in my life is enough too. It’s hard to believe that there is a hope that I can hold on to that even the most disappointing moments in my social life don’t have to shake my peace and joy. Yet, I continue to preach to myself that in Christ this is possible.

Peace with God because of Jesus is the greatest thing we could ever understand in regard to our self-image. It teaches us of his love, his pursuit and his delight in us. When we know God’s approval for us, our desires for worldly approval grows dim. We can know God’s love beyond a Sunday sermon and a verse we read here and there but rather through a knowing that grows in depth by experiencing this love for ourselves.

Know /no/ - have developed a relationship with (someone) through meeting and spending time with them; be familiar or friendly with.

      Developing a relationship takes time and effort. The peace and love we are hoping will protect us from self-destructive insecurity is a peace and love from a person, Christ. To experience God’s love as most satisfying we first need to spend time knowing him.




Begin moving towards contentment here….


How often have you experienced the following statements from God?

Circle the following descriptions that you have not experienced in the last 6 months


Feeling loved by God        

Joy in being forgiven            

Peace without having desires met

Feeling secure in Christ                                    

Feeling hopeful in Christ    


Let’s P R A Y. Speak to God over wanting to find peace instead of having anxiety. Of wanting to know deeply the peace of Christ that surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7). Study his word and spend time with him for a while. Begin to develop or rekindle intimacy with your Creator.

Recommended Reading

Ephesians 4, Philippians 2, Psalm 139, Psalm 23


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