The Holistic Biblical Counseling Certification is our most comprehensive online training program for those desiring to guide individuals or groups in a God-honoring lifestyle. The H.B.C. Certification is open for individuals who are desiring a more in-depth training as well as a foundation of understanding for biblical counseling.

Upon completion of the training, you will be equipped to start your own Holistic Biblical Counseling ministry within your local church, community, or business. You will also have the opportunity to apply to our WBW Network where you can have your business, or ministry featured on the website directory. This certification is helpful for individuals who are looking to become a Certified Biblical Counselor as well as Counselors looking to add more of a Christ-centered, holistic component to their current counseling approach. The training is self-paced and enrollment is always open!

Although we are a ministry that serves women, our HBC Certification is available for
both men and women looking to receive training. Also, if you are interested in our statement of faith before moving forward with enrolling in our training, please

- LENGTH OF TRAINING (100 Hours) -
PART 1: Introduction to Holistic Biblical Counseling (60 hours)
PART 2: Application of Holistic Biblical Counseling Principles (30 Hours)
PART 3: The Practice of Biblical Counseling (10 hours)


PART 1: Introduction to Holistic
Biblical Counseling
(60 hours)


In this portion of the training you will go through our 4 training textbooks (2 within Biblical Counseling & 2 within Holistic Wellness) to ground yourself in a holistic perspective of biblical counsel. You will take 2 open book, comprehensive exams to challenge your understanding of the reading. After you have completed the exams with a passing grade of 90% or higher, you will have the opportunity to choose 2 books from our alternative book list and reflect on how those books will help you grow in serving others as a counselor.

  • Wellness Ebooks (INCLUDED)

    • Natural Health Approaches by Lawrence DeSantis

    • Natural Health & Healing by Lawrence DeSantis

    Biblical Counseling Textbooks

    • Biblical Counseling Manual: A Self Help Counseling Program by Adam Pulaski

    • Counsel With Confidence by Joel James

    Alternative Book List - You Pick Two

    • Seeing with New Eyes: Counseling & The Human Condition by David Powlison

    • Instruments in the Redeemers Hands by Paul David Tripp

    • A Biblical Counseling Process: Guidance for the Beginning, Middle, and End by Lauren Whitman

    • Counsel From The Cross by Elyse Fitzpatrick

    • Untangling Emotions by Alasdair Groves

    • Speaking the Truth in Love by David Powilson

    • Gentle & Lowly by Dave Ortlund  

      Biblical Counseling

      Holistic Wellness


    • To form a foundational understanding of a biblical counseling framework along with a basic understanding of whole health.


PART 2: Application of Holistic
Biblical Counseling Principles
(30 hours)


In this portion of the training you will put all of the knowledge you have learned from parts 1 & 2 to effectively write up case studies on various topics related to biblical counseling. The Case Studies will focus on building a biblical framework for effective counseling from both a spiritual and practical level. It is through the case studies that you will grow in your ability to serve others by preparing your heart and mind to navigate some tough cases you might encounter as a counselor ahead of time.

As a bonus you will also be given access to our most helpful online resources for you as a counselor. You can find specifics to this material under the Textbooks & Materials drop down.

    • Top 5 Tips for Counselors (videos)

    • The Guide to Become a Biblical Counselor (a step-by-step process to help you start your own counseling business)

    • Top 10 Homework Resources for Holistic Biblical Counseling

    • Detoxification Questionnaire

    • Optimal Wellness Survey

    • 10 Case Study Reflections

    • To bring all of the knowledge you gained from the training and appropriately convey what it looks like to counsel individuals from a whole-person Christ-entered perspective.

    • To clearly communicate you have an understanding of how to holistically care for individuals seeking help in a broad range of issues.

    • To grow in your knowledge of organization, legal understanding, beginning counseling, and personal marketing as a biblical counselor.


PART 3: The Practice of Holistic
Biblical Counseling
(10 Hours)


The final portion of the training focuses on practical application as you will conduct three practice sessions with a counselee and evaluate each session through our self-eval rubric. You will then have an hour long 1/1 training with Jaime Jacinto to go over your sessions, and talk through any business or personal questions you have before completion of the training.

    • Session 1 Checklist (to help you navigate your first session with counselees)

    • HBC Counseling Rubric (self-evaluation)

    • 3 (50 minute) Practice Counseling Sessions

    • 3 Self-Evaluations

    • 1 (50 minute) 1/1 With Jaime

    • To practice your gained knowledge in holistic biblical counseling through a counseling session and be provided with feedback and help as you move forward as a HBC.


Included in The Training:


Welcome Bundle (mailed)

  • WBW lined journal and pen

  • The Whole You (hard copy book)

  • Gospel Activities for Women: Anxiety Edition (our best selling book resource for anxiety)

PDF Books (included online)

  • Natural Health Approaches E-book by Lawrence DeSantis

  • Natural Health & Healing E-book by Lawrence DeSantis



“I have loved this program. It has been so intentional and totally God inspired. It has taught me a lot about myself and has given me the confidence to finally step out and do what I know God has called me to do. Thanks Jaime for your obedience to create this program!" -Rachel D.

“Women Becoming Whole is a fantastic way to become equipped to serve others in a God honoring, Biblical way. The training was extremely thorough, the materials were interesting and comprehensive. I felt every step of the way that I was acquiring knowledge and learning more about myself in the process. Jaime is a great teacher and anyone considering God’s call in counseling would benefit from this training. I look forward to how God will use me to serve in His Kingdom.” - Kim L.

“Being a certified Pastoral Counselor has been a dream of mine for many years. I was a little skeptical, seeing as I am a man, of the WBH program but all I can say is it was fantastic. I received valuable training, learned a lot of good sound counseling principles and most of all I loved that it was all scriptural based. We are building a pastoral care ministry at my church, and the training I received will be invaluable. I love Jamie's heart for Jesus. Highly recommend this program to anyone interested in Pastoral Counselling.” - Mark O.

“Thank you for making me dig deep into my beliefs, perspectives and understanding of the Word. To sit down and take the time, to press into my own beliefs I believe will help me to better serve and guide my clients to wholeness and restoration. You reminded me that I am a great witness to His amazing limitless redemption, now i better know how to share this good news.” - Monica E

“I am just so thankful for what the Lord has done in Jaime’s life and being the light to shed onto the world around her and encourage women like me to pursue their passion to follow Christ and counsel other women to do the same. Thank you Jaime!” - Maria W. 

“I had a wonderful experience with this program! I felt that God used this space not only to equip me for counseling but to reveal a lot of truth into my life in areas where I have been struggling. I felt supported during my time spent with Women Becoming Whole and feel that I am still supported as I journey on my new career and call in Biblical Counseling.” Michelle A.

“As soon as I found the Women Becoming Whole website, I knew God was calling me to pursue the HBC certificate for myself as well as for my growing ministry. Now that I have finished the curriculum, I am more inspired than ever to use the Word of God in supporting women in all stages of life and faith. I found the program to offer the perfect balance of theological education, practical application, and holistic practices to support wellness physically and spiritually. I feel equipped with the skills and resources, as well as encouraged by Jaime and the community, to step out in faith and knowledge as a counselor for God's kingdom!”
- Katie P.

“Going through both the certifications of Women Becoming Whole was beyond my expectations! Having gone to Bible College, Counseling Pre-Marrieds, Marrieds, and being a pastors wife I feel this program added many more tools to the tool belt! This program was God breathed. I am very grateful for the opportunity these trainings allowed for me to move forward in holistic biblical counseling. After these training's I feel more equipped in the knowledge of holistic wellness. Praising God for this Network and the heart behind it. Much Gratitude. “ - Ranell B.

“I love the program! I really like all the scriptures included in the book and how God laid on Jaime’s heart details regarding how we are to love God with our whole heart, mind, body, and strength. It's truly all inclusive of what He's called us to!!!”  - Diana G. 

Are you ready to begin the HBC training?

Enroll at any time!

HBC Certification = $795.00

(or 3 monthly payments of $265)

*The HBC certification is self-paced, however it must be completed within 2 YEARS of the date of purchase. If extenuating circumstances do not allow you to complete it within the time frame, we will allow an extension of 6 months for completion.

*We do not allow refunds for this program as you are given online access to all of our materials upon purchase. Thank you for your understanding.


  • To become a Biblical Counselor, you can have a biblical counseling business legally without a degree, you just are not able to say you are a licensed therapist or licensed professional or clinical counselor. This is the distinction between Christian Therapy and Biblical Counseling. For legal purposes Biblical Counseling falls under the category of spiritual care or “pastoral care” when trying to get business insurance and is in a different category than traditional therapy. As always, following your local and state guidelines is something you need to be aware of, but generally Biblical Counselors can charge fees as long as they are not advertising that they are a professional or licensed Biblical Counselor. This is why we use the wording ministry and biblical counseling as it falls under spiritual care. It is also advised to share your beliefs and church affiliation to help affirm that what you do falls under ministry work and not licensed care. 

  • The training is formatted similar to all other Biblical Counseling certifications where the training allows a robust understanding of counsel from a biblical perspective where you can be equipped to counsel upon completion either in a business, non-profit, or ministry setting. So upon completion of the training you can say you are a Holistic Biblical Counselor. The training also gives you a certificate as a Christian Health Mentor and allows you to take individuals through our 5 week program Nourished. We have gotten great feedback from individuals who have taken groups through Nourished within their church as it has daily devotion content, weekly meal and exercise plans, and guides individuals in setting God-honoring goals! 

  • You do not need any degrees to become a Biblical Counselor, however we do generally encourage individuals with no prior counseling experience to pray over and assess if this is an area they feel God has given them a passion and foundational skillset to serve individuals in this way. Generally most Biblical Counselors before doing any formal training are the type of people who have always had individuals gravitate to them for advice, or are known as being a listening and compassionate ear. This can help gauge if you resonate with being that type of individual. Our program will definitely give you a robust understanding of practical application for counsel so you feel equipped to serve others in this way as well as helpful resources to get you going in starting your own counseling business or ministry if you chose to do so.

  • At this time we unfortunately do not have a translated program outside of English. The training however is self-paced so you would be able to take your time through the material with it being in English if that does help with giving you space to go through the content at the pace you need.

  • The certification program is a self-paced 100 hour training. On average individuals complete the training between 5-10 months depending on how many hours an individual can devote each week to the training.

  • The HBC Certification is not an ordination program. Our training gives you a certificate of completion to be a Holistic Biblical Counselor upon completion of the training. This certification is to the standard of other more traditional Biblical Counseling certifications that allow you to counsel within the church context, or within your own business or ministry and falls under the distinction of “pastoral care,” and not therapy. This distinction allows you to counsel more freely within your state context and share truth found in God's Word. 

  • We do have a 3 month payment plan option that will be billed out beginning on the date of purchase and then the next 2 consecutive months.

    *We also recommend if you think you will be able to use your training for serving in the local church that you reach out to your local church to see if they can financially help you with any benevolence funds they have in the church.

  • All of the videos are pre-recorded however you will have 1 hour with me at the end of your program where I do a 30 minute training on helping you through your first counseling session and then give you 30 minutes to go over anything you want to talk though either within the counseling role or within your business. After the program you will also be able to choose if you want ongoing support either within your business or through shadowing hours for counseling. 


Still have questions about the program?

If you have any questions about the HBC certification please either fill out our form below, email, or you can schedule a free 15 minute CONSULT CALL to learn more.


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